SWOT analysis of Visual Studio Online

Deciding to go with a tool like VSO, for a company, is not easy. There are several alternatives, including free ones, that give you just as much, maybe even more - in terms of pricing and/or flexibility. So, in order to get our team to use it (or not)…

It's about the people!

It's been a little bit over a month since I first left [Slovenia]( http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=46.05,14.5&spn=10.0,10.0&q=46.05,14.5 [http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=46.05,14.5&spn=10.0,10.0&q=46.…

Approaching an investor, a guest post

This is the first in, hopefully many guest posts. The topic for this one is something that I found to be really hard - approaching an investor. What to say the first time, what answers to have... So I asked a dear friend, if she would be willing to write…

What's in a good team?

About a month ago, I left my position as a Senior Software Engineer [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_engineering] / Architect. I held that position for about three years. I think these three years were some of the most productive years, in terms of learning, productivity itself, communication skills... While…