What's new in MVC 6: View Location Expanders

ASP.NET 5, along with MVC 6, comes with a bunch [https://www.vodovnik.com/2015/09/20/localization-in-asp-net-5-mvc-6/] of new stuff. One of the more interesting ones is without a doubt the View Location Expanders. They basically make it easy to completely customize the location in which the View…

Monitoring the health of your (web) application

Anyone who has ever deployed their web application to production has already ran into the problem of how to monitor the health of that application. Is it online? Is it running? How fast is it performing? Are there any errors I need to be aware of? Which version is deployed?…

Localization in ASP.NET 5 & MVC 6

ASP.NET 5 is a pretty revolutionary version - it's a complete rewrite, and an open source effort. They say that the reason for the ground-up redesign is the fact that the world has changed, and it has. We now have micro-services, on-premise servers that do not have to be…

Complex validation in MVC and web apps, using FluentValidation

Most projects require some sort of form input. And additionally, those form inputs need to be validated. For the validation, ASP.NET developers have a lot of options, but the default one is pretty good. That is the DataAnnotations [http://www.asp.net/mvc/overview/older-versions/mvc-music-store/mvc-music-store-part-6] . Those give…

TechDays.si: What's new in vNext & MVC6?

Microsoft hosted a developer event in Slovenia, called TechDays [http://www.techdays.si]and have invited me to present some of the new features of ASP.NET vNext and MVC 6. I wanted to post the slides online. They are a combination of slides from Scott Hanselman [http://hanselman.com/…

Running Asp.NET vNext on a Mac

I am preparing for a talk I am about to give very soon (more to follow), and I wanted to demo some of the new features of ASP.NET MVC 6 on a Mac. It took reading instructions on multiple sites to get this to work, so I wanted to…

Sessionless notification in ASP.NET MVC

When running web applications [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_application], you typically want to inform the user of results - success or failure of their actions. This involves failures to login, error messages [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Error_message], completion results and many other stuff the application needs…