Memorables of 2007
As is custom, I would like to add my wishes and thoughts. I would like to wish you happiness, health, success but most of that, which you want and need the most. I wish you find those little moments of happiness, the moments that define our lives, and spend them with people who you care most about. Of course, I also wish you a new year full of such moments and full of the same people you care about. So again, have a happy new year. And many more!
The year 2007 is coming to an end. For me personally, the year was full of things I'll want to remember for ever. It was full of moments that I want to keep and treasure. Unfortunately there were some events I would have changed, but none that I regret.
After doing some thinking on how I can describe the moments that meant the most to me, I decided on putting together a collage of pictures representing people, events, and memories of these moments. Each picture in the collage has a special meaning to me, and something nice related to it!
I'd also like to take this opportunity to thank all of my friends who lived the year with me. And all of you guys who keep reading my blog. Here's to hoping many more years will come.